Glowing, glowing, gone: when to replace high visibility garments
High visibility workwear is essential for occupations where being seen can mean the difference between life and death. With visibility being so vital for ensuring the safety of workers in the construction and industrial sectors, it is also important to know whether the high visibility products you provide are in good working condition, or if they need replacing. With this in mind, it is crucial to know how to maintain garments to prolong their lifespan. To check up on the essentials of high visibility workwear, please take a read of our glowing guide below…

Why do high visibility garments need replacing?
All high visibility clothing needs to be replaced regularly to ensure that it complies with the health and safety regulations, as stated in the government’s official high visibility guidelines. The reason that garments need to be replaced is because their high visibility elements begin to deteriorate as they are used and laundered. This results in low colour contrast, low reflectivity, and failing reflective stripes, all of which will deem the product item unfit for purpose as according to the Department of Labor Standards high visibility safety apparel guidelines. The guide goes on to state that high visibility apparel should also be replaced if it becomes faded, torn, dirty, soiled, worn or defaced. Additionally, if the garment becomes no longer clearly visible from 300 meters away, during day or night, it needs to be replaced.
How often do high visibility garments need replacing?
There is no absolute answer to how long high visibility workwear will last. This is because all items are worn, washed and used differently. They’re also worn in a range of environments with varying conditions. The expected lifespan of high visibility clothing is around 6 months if worn daily, and up to 3 years if worn less. The more a garment is exposed to sunlight, heat or intensive work, the shorter its lifespan will be. Our phs Besafe high visibility gear is made to withstand more than double the standard number of wash cycles for typical high visibility garments, providing an unbeatable lifespan. Our Bright Gear range is made up of premium polo shirts that last up to 25 washes, and hardwearing outerwear such as jackets, trousers and coveralls that can last for up to 50 washes. Having said this, if there is any doubt about a garment’s visibility from 300 meters, then it must be replaced. Furthermore, it is essential to destroy old high visibility uniform professionally so that they cannot be re-worn.
How to prolong the life of high visibility garments
Maintaining a garment’s functionality will not only keep the wearer safe; it will also save your business money. Thus, the first action that we advise is using an industrial laundry service. As the UK’s leading industrial laundry service, phs Besafe washes and dries the garments gently, using a unique process. Likewise, it is also important to suitably store garments in a clean and dry environment. We would suggest doing this professionally, for example, by using our managed locker service. For additional upkeep information please see our top tips for maintaining protective workwear.
If you wish to enquire about any of phs Besafe’s services please contact us or visit our website.