How To Write A Health And Safety Policy 

The health and safety of your employees is the most important priority for your organisation. A health and safety policy is essential for communicating the steps you’re taking to maintain health and safety, helping to outline the risks and the measures you’ve put in place to manage them. 

A health and safety policy is also a requirement by law, and should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it takes into account the latest risks and advice. In this post, we’ll discuss the key steps for writing an effective health and safety policy to help you create a comprehensive policy to protect your employees and your business. 

What is a health and safety policy? 

A health and safety policy is a document that outlines your organisation’s commitment to maintaining health and safety in the workplace. It should detail the health and safety aims of your organisation, and outline the steps you will take to implement it. 

Your health and safety policy is a crucial part of your health and safety strategy. It can be a useful tool for improving health and safety standards within your organisation, and promoting a culture where risk is managed safely to help prevent accidents and injury. 

Assessing your workplace’s risks 

To help you write an effective health and safety policy, you need to start by assessing your workplace risks. Writing a risk assessment will help you identify potential hazards, the likelihood that the hazard could cause harm and what controls are in place to mitigate these risks. 

Different workplaces have different types of risk. An office, for example, could have minimal risks compared to a construction site or a hospital. It’s important that all of your risks are assessed carefully and documented in your risk assessment. There are various templates available to help you write your risk assessment from the Health and Safety Executive, or you can enlist a professional risk assessor to carry out the work on your behalf.  

Writing your policy 

With your risks noted and recorded, you can then set about writing your health and safety policy. According to the HSE, if your business has fewer than five employees, you do not need to have your policy written down, although it can be useful to do so, especially if you anticipate growth soon. 

Your work health and safety policy should consist of three elements: 

A statement of intent 

Your statement of intent should outline your commitment to health and safety, the aims of your health and safety policy and explain why it’s important.  

 Health and safety responsibilities 

You should include details of the people responsible for health and safety in your organisation, such as their names and job titles and what their role is in relation to health and safety.  

This will need to be updated in line with any changes in staffing. 

 Health and safety arrangements  

The most important part of your health and safety policy as it outlines the arrangements you have put in place to fulfil the aims of your policy. Some of the typical details to include here are: 

  • Risk assessments 

  • Training in relevant areas of health and safety 

  • Safety signs 

  • Safety equipment, including protective clothing 

Writing a health and safety policy can be daunting, but the HSE has some excellent guidance and a health and safety policy template to help you draft your own. Your health and safety policy should be read and understood by everyone in your organisation, so it’s important that you write it in plain, clear language.  

Implementing your policy 

With your policy complete, the next stage is to implement it. Your policy should be made available to all employees, and to new starters as they join your business or organisation.  

It’s important to ensure that your policy has been understood by all employees, and that they are aware of their own responsibilities when it comes to health and safety. Providing training can help you achieve this, as well as asking your employees to sign a declaration that they have understood the policy. Your employees should also be made aware of who to contact if they have concerns about health and safety. 

With successful implementation, your employees will understand the importance of health and safety in the workplace and what needs to be done to help maintain it. 

Reviewing and updating your policy 

Your health and safety policy should be a living document. This means it should be reviewed and updated regularly in line with any changes to the policy and any new health and safety legislation that’s been introduced. 

Give your employees the tools they need to stay safe with phs BeSafe 

Developing a positive workplace culture is important for any business or organisation, and the health and wellbeing of your employees should be at the heart of it.  

Protective workwear or PPE can be key for protecting your employees against different risks and hazards, and it’s important that all PPE is carefully cleaned and maintained to keep your employees safe. Learn more about phs BeSafe’s commercial and workwear laundry services to help your business maintain the highest health and safety standards and give your employees the protection they need. 

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