When Should You Buy an Industrial Jacket? 

In many industries, workwear is not only essential, but it can save lives. From flame gear safety jackets to high visibility apparel, there is a range of workwear clothing that can go a long way towards improving workplace safety. 

Industrial jackets are a great example of typical workplace safety gear. Industrial jackets provide protection, are reflective to improve visibility, and help keep workers warm and dry during tough weather conditions.  

The question of when you should buy an industrial jacket depends on your job and the duties you carry out.  

Learn more about industrial jackets, when to buy them and where to buy high-quality workwear items.  

What are the benefits of industrial jackets? 

Industrial jackets provide a range of benefits for the workplace, including: 

  • Ensures employees remain visible whilst at work. 

  • Prevents accidents. 

  • Maintains professionalism. 

  • Protects against different poor conditions. 

Hi vis jackets are manufactured using the highest quality materials to provide safety and comfort to the wearer.  

When should you buy an industrial jacket? 

Many industries require their workers to wear high-visibility clothing to help improve visibility and maintain safety on site. For workers employed for public construction projects, wearing hi-vis equipment not only protects their safety, but that of the public too, alerting them to works taking place. 

If your job requires you to wear an industrial jacket, then it’s up to your employer to provide it to you. The Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Amendment) Regulations 2022 state that ‘every employer in Great Britain to ensure that suitable PPE is provided to ‘employees’ who may be exposed to a risk to their health or safety while at work. 

Routine inspections are carried out by the Health and Safety Executive to ensure that PPE is provided and worn as required. 

Work out the type of equipment you need 

The type of safety coat you’ll need is dependent on your job. To determine the type of jacket you’ll need, you will have to think about the hazards and risks that come with your role and the degree to which you’re exposed to them. 

The Health and Safety Executive has some excellent guidance to help you select the right PPE for your needs.  

Consider how much PPE you need 

For many people, reflective jackets and safety workwear are required every day. This means employers need to prevent multiple items to allow employees to keep their clothing clean and comfortable, especially if PPE is required to be worn all day. 

Having a range of items available gives workers flexibility, helping them stay safe at all times. 

Effective workwear garments should be tailored to ensure the right fit for individuals. Safety clothing that is too loose or too tight could pose a safety hazard, leaving employees and others at risk of an accident. 

Choose appropriate cleaning solutions 

Providing regular workwear cleaning services helps keep workwear clean and intact. This relieves pressure from employees and helps employers maintain their workwear inventories. Workwear cleaning services ensure workers always have clean PPE ready to wear as often as needed. 

Replacing old and worn PPE 

Over time, PPE can become worn, which can make it less effective. Reflective panels can become obscured or damaged, and clothing can fade over time. 

Hi-vis clothing should generally be replaced every 20-25 washes. This ensures workers are wearing equipment that is up to standard, with workwear that gives them the protection they need. 

A professional workwear laundry service can take care of this for you, ensuring your employees receive fresh workwear as needed, without interruptions to your service. 

Learn more about how often hi-vis clothing should be replaced to help you work out when your safety workwear should be replaced. 

Where to buy high-quality workwear garments 

phs Besafe supplies a wide range of safety coats and other clothing, ensuring you have everything you need to keep your employees safe. Our selection of safety garments includes jackets, trousers, overalls and more.  

Made from high-quality materials, phs Besafe supplies garments that comply with EN20471 Class 1 and RIS-3279 standards for high visibility clothing. Available in a range of sizes and customisable with your business’ logo and branding, you can find all the workwear clothing you need with phs. 

Enjoy a tailored workwear supply service from phs Besafe 

If you need high-quality workwear solutions for your business, Besafe can help. We can advise you on the most appropriate safety clothing for your employees and provide tailoring and branding to ensure a bespoke service. 

We also provide garment laundry and locker services to ensure your staff always have access to the uniform they need, making it easier to keep track of your uniforms and keep everything neat and organised. 

Contact phs Besafe today to discuss your workwear needs and let us kit you out with vital safety equipment for your business.  

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